Wooden Sindoora | Pair of 2

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  1. Material: The box is made of wood, which can vary in type and quality, such as oak, mahogany, cherry, or walnut.

  2. Design: Wooden siddur boxes often feature intricate carvings, engravings, or decorative motifs on the exterior, enhancing their aesthetic appeal.

  3. Size: Siddur boxes come in various sizes to accommodate different types of siddurim (Jewish prayer books).


As of my last update in September 2021, there is no widely known or common product called "wooden sindoora." It is possible that such a term or product may have emerged or become popular after my last update, or it might be a regional or niche item that I'm not aware of.

Sindoora (also spelled sindoor or sindur) is a traditional red or vermillion powder used by married women in South Asian cultures, particularly in India, as a symbol of their marital status. It is typically applied to the parting of the hair or on the forehead as a mark of wedded status.

More Information
Item Type Handicraft
Size Onesize
Dimensions (in cm) 16*9*10
Material Wooden
Occasion Casual
State of Origin Uttar Pradesh
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This product is handmade and may have slight variations or dissimilarities that are a natural outcome of the human involvement in the process. These minor variations of Stitches/Motifs add to its charm and ensure its uniqueness & authenticity.


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