Return Policy

  1. Dear Valued Customer, We want to ensure that you are happy with your purchase. Please take a minute to consider that each Product is handcrafted and unique in its manner; an irregular weave, print, or stitch cannot be regarded as a defect. This will help you decide whether to return a product or not. By definition, a handloom implies a beautiful lack of uniformity. Because they are inherent to the handmade process, flaws or imperfections in the result cannot be considered defects. Several items (fabrics) are made of natural colours and may bleed during the first few washes, requiring careful handling. To prolong the life of the Product, kindly adhere to the care directions provided.
  2. We understand that on rare occasions, an item may not meet your expectations. However, our policy is mindful of the small-scale nature of our sellers and the delicate craftsmanship of their products. Therefore, we kindly request your thoughtful consideration before initiating a return or cancellation.
  3. wants to make sure that its customers are satisfied with their purchases. All shipping, returns, cancellations, and refunds will be governed by and subject to the terms and conditions set out in this policy. Customers are required to read and understand the terms of this policy. By initiating a request to purchase products on the Platform, you agree to the terms of this policy without modification.
  4. All Returns shall be made as per the Returns Policy detailed herein below:
    1. Customers can return the product within 7 (seven) days from the date of delivery and the shipments that are not delivered to the customer will get converted to an RTO (Return to Origin).
    2. If you've received a Product that is in a damaged or defective condition, you can contact us at within 48 hours of the delivery of the Product with relevant proof in the form of images and videos that may support your concern. We will in our sole discretion verify if: 
      • the defects and damages in the Products claimed in such Products are acceptable by us, or 
      • such defects and damages are due to our default, and will accordingly post verification, accept or reject the request for return of the Products. 
  5. For such verification, we may request you to send us images of the damaged, defective Products received. Further to the assessment of the damage or the concern reported in the return request, we may in our sole discretion resolve the issue subject to the assessment report, in a manner as we may deem fit. You agree that our decision in relation thereof is final and binding on you.
  6. We recommend you make an unboxing video while opening the package and inspect the product thoroughly while the video is on and stop the video once you are satisfied with your order. The unboxing video should start from the part where you are opening the parcel inspecting your order, show in the video if there is any issue, and contact us immediately if there is any defect or damage or if you have received the wrong item. The defect must be visible in the unboxing video.
  7. A return pick-up will be scheduled within 48 hours of the return request being made. The final date and time will be confirmed with the Customer. In extraordinary circumstances, the time frame may increase. We shall notify you promptly of such circumstances.
    Alert: Return pick-up will be attempted 03 (three) times only.
  8. Conditions for Return: A return may be considered under the following circumstances, if:
    • Product is damaged; 
    • Both the Product and shipping package have been damaged; 
    • Product is defective or is not in working condition; 
    • The Product is of bad quality; 
    • Parts of the Product or accessory is missing; 
    • The product received is different from what was ordered based on the Product description provided on the Platform; or 
    • You are dissatisfied with the quality of the purchased Product due to size issues, fit issues, colour issues, manufacturing defects.
  9. Return will be processed only if:
    • It is determined that the product was not damaged while in your possession;
    • The product is different from what was shipped and delivered to you;
    • The product is different from what was ordered by you;
    • The product is returned in original condition with its original tags, packaging, and a copy of the bill received with the consignment;
    • The Product is not used
  10. Returns will not be entertained in the following cases:
    • It is determined that the Product got damaged while in your possession.
    • The Product is different from what was shipped and delivered to you.
    • The Product is not returned in the same condition it was received (with the brand's/manufacturer's box, MRP tag intact, user manual, warranty card, and all the accessories therein).
    • The Product is not intact in its original packaging.
    • If you have placed the order for the wrong product model, colour, or incorrect Product,
    • If you fail to request return/register a complaint within the Return Period (defined above) 

    We would accept the request for the return of such a Product subject to the terms of this Policy. In case we find that the returned Products do not meet the criteria mentioned under this Policy, we reserve the right to reject the request for the return of Products and refuse refunds in relation thereof. Any decision by us in this regard shall be final and binding.

  11. We do not entertain exchanges.
  12. All Refunds shall be as per the Refunds Policy detailed herein below:
    1. At the time of raising a request for a return or cancelling the Products on the Platform, you may seek a refund. Such a refund will be made to you only in the event the payment has been received by us for the Products returned or cancelled.
    2. Please be informed that when you opt to cancel or return the Products, upon our receiving, verification, and assessment of the Products and the documents relating thereto, the refund amount for such Products which are eligible for return as per the terms of this Policy, will be initiated within a period of 7-10 (seven to ten) business days from the date of receiving of the Product by the Seller. 
    3. You acknowledge that after initiation of the refund, it may take additional time for your refund to reflect in your account which is subject to your financial institution or payment solution provider's terms and conditions.
    4. Refunds can only be granted if a request for a refund has been made within 7 (seven) days of delivery of the Product.
    5. No refunds would be given if the Customer provided the wrong or incomplete shipping address and the Logistics Partner delivers the Product on such wrong/incomplete address.
    6. We will provide a refund to the original mode of payment. We do not make any cash refunds. Sometimes banks or financial intermediaries take a longer time to process the refund request. However, if the refund does not happen by the date advised, you may contact us, and we will gladly help you.
    7. Refunds shall not include any amount paid towards shipping charges or any other such charges including Convenience Fee, which are applicable from time to time. However, in the event a Product has been delivered with a defect or damage (for reasons attributable to, and accepted by us after due verification at our sole discretion) we may refund the shipping charges to you provided that you claim a refund of such shipping charges (including convenience fee) within 7 (seven) days of receiving the refund for remaining amounts